What is livingtogod.com? This website is dedicated to helping people learn to live for God through Christ. A classic definition of theology is “the doctrine of living to God” (Ames’ Marrow of Theology). A generation later, Petrus Van Mastricht improved slightly on this definition by defining theology as “the doctrine of living to God through Christ” (Theoretical-Practical Theology).

My goal is to help people learn to live for God through Christ. I do that as a pastor in my church. I also do it as husband, father, and friend. But over time I have come to believe what I have often heard: that the written word let loose creates an impact far beyond what I could ever accomplish in personal meetings or individual correspondence.

So I plan to write on anything and everything that comes to my mind that seems related to learning to live for God through Christ. I intend to include my process and learning as a pastor who studies, preaches, teaches, and counsels. In short, my hope is that God may see fit to let my personal ministry have a Godward impact on many people I will not meet until glory.

One of my preoccupations is that there is so much bad or twisted content out there. But there is also a lot of good content. The problem is often in discerning it when you see it. If my writing helps people become pickier about what they expose themselves to, I will count it worth it.

But I also hope I might have something to offer to readers. I am in my 30’s, so I’m young but not a novice. I have a lot to learn, but I’ve also come a ways already. And I believe in the value of learning from others' wisdom. I have benefited so much from the knowledge of previous generations that I have begun to feel convicted that I am not attempting to help relay that knowledge to the generations which follow me. As I read history, it appears to me that many beautiful strands of exploration and discussion have been stopped for centuries simply because one generation learned the content without passing it on to the next.

I do not consider myself a good writer. I begin this site in part to help develop my skills and usefulness in that area.

And that is part of what it is all about. I desire to be useful. I want to learn to live for God through Christ. But I would love to be used by God to help others do the same. That’s what this site is for.

What is livingtogod.com?